Our culture is the set of principles we operate under. It’s what guide our every interaction, decision and transaction. And everything begins with me.


I start with the end in mind. I deliver solutions of exceptional quality that add value to all involved for the long term. I sharpen the saw and I look for ways to do more with less. At every opportunity I plan, do and then review and stay on the path constant and never-ending improvement and innovation.


If I say I am going to do something, I do. No excuses. I am responsible for my actions, the outcome that my actions will bring, and own everything that takes place in my work and my life. I am accountable for my results and I know that for things to change, first I must change. The buck stops with me.


My word is my commitment. I always speak the truth. I only ever make agreements that I am willing and intend to keep. I communicate potentially broken agreements at the first opportunity and I clear up all broken agreements immediately.


I take imperfect action until I succeed. I only fail when I stop trying so I never give up. My greatest resource is my resourcefulness therefore I always finish what I start.


I am consistent in my actions so my clients, teammates and all stakeholders can feel comfortable in dealing with me at all times. I am disciplined in my work so my results, growth and success are consistent.


I give myself and everything I commit to 100% until I succeed. I am committed to the Vision, Mission, Culture and success of our company.


Everyone is different and has different opinions. It’s what makes us unique. I love and respect that. I respect all individuals.


I focus on co-operation and always come to a resolution, not a compromise. I ask for help when I need it and I am compassionate to others who ask me. I am a team player.


I learn and distil knowledge from the masters. Someone somewhere has done it all before. I constantly read and expand my knowledge to shorten my learning curve but I mostly learn from my mistakes. I do what seems scary at first because It’s never as bad as it seems. If I can’t do it, then I must do it.


The more I try, the more I fail, the faster I learn and therefore the faster I succeed. We fail our way to success. I embrace failure.


I speak positively of my fellow team members, my clients and my company both in public and private. I speak with good purpose using empowering and positive conversation. I acknowledge what is being said as true for the speaker at that moment and I take responsibility for responses to my communication. I greet and farewell people using their name. I always apologize for any upsets first and then look for a solution. I only ever discuss concerns in private with the person involved.


I always look to the system for a solution. If a challenge arises, I use a system correction before I look for a people correction. I use a system solution in my innovation rather than a people solution. I follow the system exactly until a new system is introduced. I suggest system improvements at my first opportunity.


I focus my thoughts, energy and attention on the successful outcome of whatever I am doing. I am willing to win and allow others to win: Win/Win. At all times, I display my inner pride, prosperity, competence and personal confidence. I am a successful person.


I have a balanced approach to life, remembering that my spiritual, social, physical and family aspects are just as important as my financial and intellectual. I have quality time to myself, with my family and also to renew.


Health is above all. I look after my physical, emotional and mental health as a priority. I take steps every day to stay healthy through restful sleep, hydration, exercise and constantly learning something new. My nutrition is my medicine. I avoid harmful substances and reduce or eliminate food and personal hygiene products that may weaken my defence systems.


I view my life as a journey to be enjoyed and appreciated. I create an atmosphere of fun, joy and happiness all around me and constantly remind my face to show it. I’m mindful to bring positive vibes.


I am a truly grateful person. Daily I give thanks for the air I breathe, the people around me and the circumstances that make life a masterpiece. I am aware that without a background there’s no foreground. Without rain there’s no rainbow. Without dark, there’s no light so I make a point of enjoying the moment.


I am an abundant person, I deserve my abundance and I am easily able to both give and receive it. I allow abundance in all areas of my life by respecting my own self-worth and that of all others. I am rewarded to the level that I create abundance for others and I accept that abundance only shows up in my life to the level at which I show up.